Bring hope to your community through Project Connect
Downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals.
Daily Devotions to inspire and challenge your daily walk.
We offer easy-to-use materials that will ignite and challenge the faith lives of men in your group.
Jump into this site designed to connect you to God's love.
Explore introductory videos and additional material in the discussion guides below them.
The Lutheran Hour is a radio broadcasted sermon presented each week by Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler. Join him on Sunday mornings as he dives into sections of Scripture that tell the story of our Savior. Find out how to listen to The Lutheran Hour.
Students can experience much of the learning and thrill of a mission trip.
Students can experience much of the learning and thrill of a mission trip.
Students can experience much of the learning and thrill of a mission trip.
Students can experience much of the learning and thrill of a mission trip.